Skywatch from Lucy
Lucy Corrander - The Ending of a Summer's Day - July 30th 2009 - You can see more photos at Pictures Just Pictures
Lucy Corrander - The Ending of a Summer's Day - July 30th 2009 - You can see more photos at Pictures Just Pictures
What's over the top? This is what Hermes and Debbie asked when I showed this photo on 'Pictures Just Pictures'.
. . . This is what you see when you come over the brow on this stretch of path.
Portland Harbour - where the sailing events for the 2012 Olympics will be taking place - and Portland in the distance.
Not that I recommend you take your eye off the path, or you'll be tumbling down here.
Over and over, people make new paths as the old ones crumble away;
higher, then higher . . .
So that's what I do now - take the higher path, in case that next edge is ready to tip.
There are lots of little coves below; each one protected from the waves by boulders. They loop in and out like a lace edging. Gorse burns - and there's a lot of gorse round here. This fire was recent; the smell of burning so strong it may still have been smoldering. On the way back, I met women bringing buckets of water to put out a smaller fire before it spread.
This is another photo from Pictures Just Pictures, 'Rusted Rails Near Ferrybridge'. This is where the path I was on meets with the route of the old line to Portland. When I first walked here, the tracks had been lifted but there was nothing but broken stone under foot. It has a tarmac surface now and lots of people walk or cycle in and out of town along it. Great! Except I feel a bit churlish. It was nice to be here when hardly anyone else was!
It is an impressive photo of cross vapor trails. Nice shot.
Now, you and your friends can help me Make History. I am trying to see if it is possible to get 10,000 visitors in a short period of time on my new blog, Pick a Peck of Pixels. If you go there, please either become a Follower or leave a comment. You can come back each day to see and read something new. Your visit will count and help me Make History. Pick a Peck of Pixels
Great Sky!
Hello Larry. We only opened this blog yesterday - and joined Skywatch today - so you are one of our first visitors and need a special welcome, I reckon!
Abraham Lincoln - We're a bit perplexed about why you want to be (more) famous or why people would want to visit you just for the sake of numbers and what this has got to do with history . . . and we think we must be missing a bit of information, otherwise we'd 'get' the joke.
But, good luck with your venture - and with showing your photos. The nature ones we've seen are lovely.
(And with your visit - and Larry's - we're up to two on this blog . . . so we'll be catching up with you in . . . erm . . . a million years?)
Great St. Andrew sky!! ..and you away down in Dorset.
Nice capture.
Thanks Pyatshaw.
I lived several years in Scotland so I'm happy to walk under the St Andrew Cross. Perhaps that should have been the name of the picture!
nice pic, I like the strong geometric lines and shapes of the rooftops.
That could just as easily be the skies here some days
Almost a tic tac toe board, have a great weekend!
Thanks, Elizabeth.
I took photos at the same time which excluded the rooftops - but I liked the way the silhouettes of the rooftops added context and gives the eye something to roam around.
By the way, I like your paintings of the aubergine and the mango.
Hello Mo, I'm really pleased to have found your blog.
The crossed sky in my photo is the kind of sky which can be seen almost anywhere where planes cross. It's one of the reasons I like it - that feeling of 'all's right with my world so I can sleep in peace tonight'.
Bookbabie - I've often thought that - that one could reach up and put a giant nought or cross between plane trails (except when I can see them being made, that's different - loss of perspective makes me hold my breath in case they crash!).
Just the way I pictured the busy english skies. The busy planes knitting the night sky. Great, thanks!
Hello Chrome 3d
It's funny, I'm rarely aware of how busy the skies are here - except sometimes I sit and look up and I see the planes going by . . . and going by . . . and going by.
Lovely sky photo! Interesting looking blog here. I hope it goes over well for you.
Thanks Sue. This blog is only a few days old so the content is still in the 'being thought out' phase. But it certainly is fun starting on a new venture and experimenting with a new layout. I hope you will visit again.
Wonderful contrails shot! I love the lighting! x marks the spot!
Thanks, Dewdrop. It's interesting how many connections an image of an X can make.
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